Partner Ecosystem

January 26, 2023 • 12 mins

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Kyle Fox

Director of Software Development


Insights from Technology

Xtnsbl Article

Partner Ecosystem

January 26, 2023 • 12 mins

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Kyle Fox

Director of Software Development



Recent improvements from the Console Team make life even easier for our partners. Below, Finxact Director of Software Development Kyle Fox shares the latest updates. 

Okta Login

The Console team has been working diligently to enable Okta login across our Console instances.  The rollout has gone smoothly so far, with plans to complete the transition with the migration of Console production this coming Sunday evening (12/4). The changes will enable enhanced login functionality in the future, including multi-factor authentication and federation capabilities.  As an example, our banks and partners will be able to configure text message-based authentication for enhanced security (multi-factor) or work with our development operations team to configure access to Console using bank or partner-managed credentials (federation).


Release Notes

The release notes functionality continues to receive enhancements geared toward helping bank/partner productivity.  The Console and Core New tabs offer easy access to a range of release notes for simplified upgrades from one core version to another.  Additionally, filtering by component is now available for targeted information.  Lastly, a future enhancement is coming to display linked fresh service ticket numbers with release notes so banks and partners can easily tie changes back to tickets they have opened.


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