Industry Insights

October 19, 2021 • 5 mins read

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Steven Zyglowicz

Senior Software Architect


Core Extensibility

Industry Insights

October 19, 2021 • 5 mins read

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Steven Zyglowicz

Senior Software Architect


A sign of a good enterprise software product is that it can be completely customized by a customer to meet their business needs. You can’t spell customer without custom after all. Our core extensibility features enable an organization to make powerful enhancements to the Finxact core baseline to satisfy their unique requirements and challenges, but without compromising the ability to receive continuous upgrades. This is not a “stick a fork in it” type of custom solution, but rather a layered, integrated design that empowers the customer to evolve with their core over time. Customers can feel confident accepting new releases from Finxact without a negative impact on custom features and functionality.

Extensibility is managed via our Console front end. It allows the customer to move at the speed of their business via a self-service model. Custom changes can be made at high speed, or slowly and cautiously. Either way, customers can always upgrade their underlying core regardless of how many changes they have made.


We offer three ways to extend the Finxact core to implement custom solutions: Schema, Configuration-as-Code and Behavior Extensions. Each of these is governed using a distributed version control system that provides a stable and repeatable change management environment which keeps track of all your modifications. These changes as a group can be small, large or anywhere in between. It is up to the customer how granular they want to get when it comes to change management. This approach allows extensibility to follow a standard Software Development Lifecycle as practiced by most professional development teams.


Customers manage and deliver extensions for their environment using the Finxact Console. This front end makes it simple to create and manage your changes using a structured SDLC process. A project can be as simple as a configuration update or as complex as a schema extension with a custom entity lifecycle trigger. In addition, a project can also upgrade the underlying version of the Finxact Core.

The customer will start with their own baseline and create projects to update that baseline with new functionality. That baseline can then be migrated to long-term running environments where the customer can perform verification before promoting to staging and ultimately, to production.


Core Extensibility provides for custom enhancements while maintaining the core in a future-proof state. Enhancements include schema upgrades to model your evolving business needs, configuration-as-code for deployment and maintenance, and behavioral modifications to implement custom solutions. Projects provide for a structured SDLC process to get you there safely while ensuring your institution continues to benefit from the continuous delivery of innovation our engineers are building into the Finxact platform.


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